We're thrilled to introduce Invoicing on the Carbon Business platform! This powerful tool allows you to create professional invoices, streamline your billing process, and get paid faster.

This guide will take you through the steps of creating and managing invoices on Carbon Business:

1. Accessing Invoicing

  • Log in to your Carbon Business account.
  • On the dashboard, locate the navigation menu and click on the "Invoices" tab (newly added).

2. Creating an Invoice

  • Click the "New Invoice" button.
  • A new invoice creation window will appear.

        Here's what you need to fill in:

  • Customer Details: Enter your customer's name, email address, and any other relevant contact information.
  • Invoice Details: Assign a unique invoice number (Use AI) and a due date for the payment.
  • Invoice Items: Click on "Add Item" to add individual line items for your services or products. Specify the description, quantity, shipping fees, unit price, and any applicable taxes for each item.

         Customization Options:

  • Notes Section: Utilize the notes section to include late payment penalties or thank your customer for their business.

3. Reviewing and Sending the Invoice

  • Once you've filled in all the details, carefully review the invoice for accuracy.
  • Click the "Preview Invoice" button to see how it will look before sending it to your customer.
  • If everything is correct, click "Send Invoice". The invoice will be electronically sent to your customer's email address.

4. Managing Your Invoices

  • A list of all your created invoices will be displayed in the "Invoices" tab.
  • Each invoice will show its status (Draft, Sent, Paid, Overdue).
  • You can click on an invoice to view its details, download a PDF copy, or resend it to your customer.

         Additional Features:

  • Search and filter invoices based on customer name, date, or status.
  • Track invoice payments and receive real-time notifications.
  • Download payment reports for your accounting records.

Need further assistance?

If you have any questions regarding Carbon Business Invoicing, feel free to reach out to our dedicated support team at sme@getcarbon.co. We're happy to help!